Yat Colouring Pencil Set

Production Time: 10 Working Days
250 $4.45 each
500 $4.40 each
1000 $4.35 each
2500 $4.30 each
5000 $4.25 each
A natural wood box contains a set of 12 unpainted wood colouring pencils, a pencil sharpener and an eraser, the box has a sliding wood lid which is also a ruler with metric in centimetres and inches. The natural wood produces the variances in the grain pattern, colour and branding.

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size
8.27 IN Wide X 1.65 IN Long X 1.18 IN Tall

Additional Information
Price Includes Color: 1 color

Price Includes Side: 1 side

Price Includes Location: 1 location

Location1: Box

Location2: Ruler

Decoration Method: Pad printed

Packaging: 100/Per Box


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