Automatic Soap Dispenser
#UF70721 Standard Lead Time

Production Time: 15 Working Days
200 $47.44 each
500 $46.03 each
1000 $45.70 each
2500 $45.23 each
5000 $44.58 each
15000 $34.06 each
This soap dispenser requires no contact, which makes it both convenient and easy, now you can scan your body temperature and wash your hands at the same time without any worries of infection. You will be able to see your body temperature with the clearly visible digital LED display. It can be used both for Fahrenheit or Celsius. Also its capacity of disinfectant is large:1000ml/33oz, longer life cycle. It's really a compact size suitable for both home and public places.Quantity over 15000 piece is the price of sea transportation.

Normal Production Time
15 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
This soap dispenser requires no contact and can scan body temperature and wash hands at the same time.


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