Hi-Vis Reflective Safety Vest with Pockets

Production Time: 15 Working Days
20 $13.90 each
50 $10.59 each
100 $9.80 each
250 $9.16 each
500 $9.00 each
1000 $8.75 each
Item# LDP 5083 - Designed for maximum visibility and functionality, this vest is made from lightweight breathable polyester knit fabric. Features 2 large pockets, a PVC transparent badge holder, 2 pockets for accessories, and a zipper closure. This safety vest consists of 2" reflective strips which are workable in low light conditions, during night work, or in adverse weather. Ideal for construction workers, traffic controllers, emergency responders, and anyone needing to stay visible and safe.

Normal Production Time
15 Working Days

Additional Information
Price Includes Color: 1 color

Price Includes Side: 1 side

Price Includes Location: 1 location

Location1: Front

Location2: Back

Decoration Method: Screen printed

Packaging: Carton


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