Earth Day - Seed Paper Postcard (PSP-EDEW)

  • A plantable seed paper panel card
  • Handmade from 100% recycled materials.
  • Grow annual and perennial Wildflower seeds.
  • Choose from our Premium Printable Colorful paper for a 10% up-charge; yellow, pink, light blue, lime, or natural.
  • Choose from our Earth Day designs or fully customize your own.
Production Time: 7 Working Days
100 $2.16 each
250 $1.91 each
500 $1.71 each
1000 $1.40 each
2500 $1.33 each
$35.00 each
This panel card delivers more than just your custom-printed message – when planted, it grows into a garden of wildflowers! Your full-color, custom message is printed directly on Premium seed paper with Earth-friendly inks that won’t damage the seeds. Our seed paper is made by hand from 100%-recycled material and embedded with a hardy mixture of wildflower seeds. Just plant the entire postcard, water, and enjoy your wildflowers! Choose from our pre-designed Earth Day artwork. Choose a letter after the -EDEW- to reference the design you love. Send us your camera-ready logo and we’ll do the rest. Or fully customize the item for no additional charge.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
4 x 5

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Price Includes:4 Color Process
Bulk packed in bundles of 100.


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