Transformer Inflight, Home, and Office Phone Mount

  • 3.75
  • 1.5
  • 1.375
Production Time: 10 Working Days
50 $12.99 each
100 $10.99 each
250 $9.99 each
500 $8.99 each
1000 $7.99 each
A perfect gift for busy teams that need to adapt to different
environments throughout a busy work day. This product will cleverly
and easily mount to edges that you will find on common items such as
counters, handles, flight trays, chairs, and desks. It can also be
adjusted to rest on a desktop with a phone screen at a comfortable
upward viewing angle.

Additional decoration charges may apply.

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size
3.75" L X 1.5" W


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