Canvas Sport Duffel Overnight Bag

Production Time: 15 Working Days
200 As low as $106.92 each
300 As low as $71.68 each
500 As low as $49.62 each
800 As low as $47.30 each
1000 As low as $47.28 each
1500 As low as $41.33 each
1800 As low as $33.55 each
2000 As low as $31.57 each
2500 As low as $29.80 each
3000 As low as $28.23 each
Can store 2-4 days of daily essentials such as clothes, shoes, tablet, water bottle and electronic devices; there is a compartment inside that can be used for tablet and a small pocket for some small items; separate waterproof pocket to store your personal toiletries. Keep your belongings neatly packed in your travel bag;There is a shoe compartment on the side of the duffel bag, which can separate your shoes from other items and avoid the shoes from dirtying other items;

Normal Production Time
15 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
Use this as a personal item on the flight, meets most international carry-on requirements.


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