Forget Me Not SeedGems Paper Planter - Biodegradable grow kit

  • Eco Friendly/Social Service Agencies/Hunger Relief Agencies/Non Profit Groups
  • Enviromental Awareness Campaigns/Earth Day/City Beautification Programs
  • Certified Organic Seeds Availalble
  • Children's Education/Life Skills/Health Lifestyles
Production Time: 10 Working Days
50 $3.93 each
100 $3.41 each
250 $3.15 each
500 $2.99 each
750 $2.88 each
1000 $2.83 each
$50.00 each
SeedGems Paper Planters (R). Start your flowers, herbs, and veggies in our 100% biodegradable Paper Planter. After the seedlings reach 2-3" simply recycle the polybag and plant the entire box. Everything you need to grow your seedling - includes paper planter, poly box liner, seeds and grow pellet. Place your grow pellet in polybag; add 3 tablespoons water; wait 15 minutes for pellet to expand; plant seed. Certain seed varieties available. Use our botanical image. Imprint area 1.125" x 1.75" per panel.

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size
2.5"W x 1.75" H

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Inquire for seed choices.

Decoration detail: 6 panels each size 1 1/4 x 1 3/4.

Packaging: Paper Planter/ Bulk Packed Corrugated Carton.

Add matching/coordinating greeting card and envelope with product #5035 Garden Party Seed Cards®.


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