Solicy USB Night Light

  • A voice activated light
  • Can control the brightness and color tone of LED lights for bedroom with simple voice commands
  • Features 3 brightness and 7 colored lights can be adjusted by voice control
  • Protect your eyes and make you fall asleep softly
  • Suitable for laptop, book light, desk lamp, etc
Production Time: 7 Working Days
2000 $3.07 each
2500 $3.01 each
$45.00 each
Solicy USB Night Light is a voice activated light, you can control the brightness and color tone of LED lights for bedroom with simple voice commands. Our light features 3 brightness and 7 colored lights can be adjusted by voice control can protect your eyes and make you fall asleep softly. Suitable for laptop, computer keyboard light, bedside reading light, book light, desk lamp, etc.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
1.26" x 1.81"

Country of Manufacture

Additional Information
Standard price include 1 color imprint on 1 location, free virtual proof, free shipping to 1 location within 48 states.


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