Bamboo Weather Station

Production Time: 10 Working Days
50 $10.83 each
200 $9.17 each
400 $8.33 each
600 $7.50 each
1000 $6.67 each
2000 $5.83 each
Weather station with bamboo front, multi-functional thermometer. Includes a clock, temperature, humidity display and calendar. 2 AAA battery not included.Place it in your kltchen,office, or bedroom, to track your indoor envtronment comfort.Constructed from a comblnatlon of sustalnable bamboo anddurable plastic with a digltal LCD display the Zonal weatherstatlon will quickly become a topic of conversation giving anybrand displayed on it the attention it deserves. This weatherstation displays temperature range from 4 F to 158(-20C-70 C), the relative humidity range between 20 - 95, thecurrent date and time. all ages.

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size

0.6 lbs

Additional Information
Proud Bird Weather Station, Lifetime Weather Stations & Sensors Warranty, Colorful Large Display Weather Stations with Atomic Cloc


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