Multi-Function Desk Holder Caddy Clock

Production Time: 8 Working Days
50 $9.75 each
250 $9.23 each
550 $8.98 each
800 $8.75 each
1000 $8.48 each
1600 $8.32 each
3000 $7.78 each
8800 $5.90 each
10800 $4.98 each
This multi-function Pen Holder is a great feature on any desk to help with organize office supplies with stylish colors.Also can be as a Clock, Calendar, Timer, Alarm Clock, Thermometer, and Pen Holder With the 2 small pup-out drawers. It makes a wonderful promotional item for office stuffs, school teachers or students and home children.

Normal Production Time
8 Working Days

Product Size

0.26 lbs

Additional Information
This multi-function Pen Holder is a great feature on any desk to help with organize office supplies,Can be as a Clock, Calendar.


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